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The main challenges of Project Management

The main challenges of Project Management We know that project management is a set of activities that are carried out temporarily by a group, aiming to achieve some objective. This objective can be the creation of a product, the achievement of results or the provision of

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Internet of Things - JDE's Secret Weapon - PART 1

Internet of Things and Oracle JD Edwards. Industrial companies around the world have been using traditional M2M (Machine-2-Machine) systems for decades. They directly use these machines to gather information. In this way, they allow the integration of this data into their

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5 items to evaluate before purchasing your ERP.

5 items to be evaluated before purchasing your ERP: Many companies choose to choose an ERP for several reasons: seeking technological updating, integration of all sectors of the company, search for the best business practices for their company, among others. But

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Find out about the Oracle Jd Edwards summit 2016

Oracle JD Edwards summit 2016 The Oracle JD Edwards summit 2016: For those who don't know, or haven't had the opportunity to attend, the Oracle JD Edwards Summit is a meeting organized by Oracle, for the entire JD Edwards partner community. For one week

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