

Saiba que como cliente JDE Cloud você pode otimizar seu ERP com a Infraestrutura como Serviço (IaaS) da Oracle, estender sua solução por meio da Plataforma como Serviço (PaaS) ou complementar o JD Edwards com soluções de Software como Serviço (SaaS).A MPL já conduziu vários projetos...

This week we complete 38 years of MPL Corporate Software! During all this time on the road, we always seek the satisfaction of our customers, through a differentiated and excellent service. In these long years, we have already gone through different economies and different technologies, always with success. Betting on...

Check out the JD Edwards news presented during the Oracle Applications Unlimited Event Brasil, promoted by MPL and Oracle USA on March 14th via Zoom. The event featured the leadership of Oracle, responsible for JD Edwards globally, who presented to customers in Brazil the commitment to...

Technology can generate up to a million jobs in 2 and a half years. IOT - Internet of Things. Despite the name being new, the concept of M2M (Machine-2-Machine) is old, with industrial companies around the world having used it for decades...

Choosing an ERP. It is a long way to make this choice, but understanding that each ERP has specific disadvantages/advantages for each case, leads to the best decision for your business processes. Deciding which ERP is most adhering to your processes doesn't...

Meet Cloud Expenses: Approving budgets and organizing costs is not an easy task for any manager. When you have a team with a considerable number of people, coordinating all financial movements is complex. Travel approvals, cost control and action management. Only these...