08 Apr Internet of Things - JDE's Secret Weapon - PART 1
Internet of Things and Oracle JD Edwards.
Industrial companies around the world have been using traditional M2M (Machine-2-Machine) systems for decades. They directly use these machines for information gathering. In this way, they allow the integration of this data into your business processes. The goal is to analyze this data and make smarter decisions, reducing costs and creating new revenue streams.
These traditional systems work by installing sensors that collect information (such as temperature, pressure or vibration) combined with actuators that control the machine. These sensors and actuators are managed by a control system. This control system communicates back to a central server or operations center. As soon as the integration into the company's organization process is carried out.
The problem with these traditional M2M systems is that they are largely proprietary and inflexible. They require specialized hardware and expensive network connectivity. In addition to the expense of a state-of-the-art integrated system that transforms information into business processes.
The traditional M2M system lacks security, system management and analytics for the enterprise.
The JD EDWARDS solution has helped thousands of companies simplify, standardize and optimize their ERP systems in the areas of finance, procurement, manufacturing, capital asset management and supply chain. This automation has resulted in better business decisions, cost savings and increased revenue.
But before talking about JD EDWARDS, we need to talk about the Internet of Things and how it has been changing business processes and management with improvements and analysis. We talk about IoT and other news from the JD EDWARDS world in our article about the JD EDWARDS SUMMIT 2016 (see https://mpl.com.br/?s=summit+2016). We'll introduce you to the Internet of Things, and suggest how you can start implementing this great technology to improve all your business processes.
Welcome to the new world of the Internet of Things (IoT), where your machines, along with your people and your processes, are all connected, enabling solutions that were not previously possible..
What is Internet of Things? (IoT)
The internet, primarily, was a network where people create and consume data (data) in an interconnected way.
The advent of the mobile revolution created a proliferation of microprocessors and networking equipment. These, together with technological maturity, are ushering in a new era of internet and the way we use M2M technology.
This M2M internet is characterized by a number of people and machines interconnected that is much greater than before and much more comprehensive.
The Internet of Things is the interconnection of devices and sensors, such as machinery/devices, with mobile, hardware and software. This is creating a new breed of applications that integrate physical with software assets. The objective is to generate a quantum change in the improvement of the business process.
This interconnected platform, where machines and software interact seamlessly, promises to bridge the gaps between the physical world and the world of software algorithms. The aim is to bring innovation to companies and revolutionize modern manufacturing, agribusiness systems. Power systems, mining, construction and other industry segments will also benefit.
The business value of the Internet of Things:
Almost all companies can benefit from the advances in technology described above. For example, in the case where a person is required to manually inspect a damaged piece of equipment, there will be a high cost of inspecting the equipment and a potential risk to the inspector. Automation by a machine greatly reduces inspection costs and avoids sending a person to a place of potential risk.
Automation can also help anticipate, and therefore avoid, failures, keeping projects on schedule and on budget.
Currently, many companies install sensor machines for data acquisition and supervisory control. However, the number and variety of proprietary sensors and protocols, which are very limited and rigid in their functionality, can be daunting.
The Internet of Things, by contrast, is an unmolded tool, based on existing open standards, which bridges the gap between operations and information technology and allows you to gain unprecedented operational effectiveness and high revenues.
Let's explore some specific business challenges that can be solved with an IoT (Internet of Things) solution:
For each market or each product there are specific functionalities so that everything happens correctly, whether in processes or use of equipment, for example. Using the Internet of Things to enhance critical information, you can increase revenue and reduce costs.
Understand its features:
Perishable Goods: Sensors can monitor the temperature, humidity and location of your goods as they travel through your supply chain. Monitoring these critical factors and taking quick action when alerted allows you to significantly reduce scrap and, as a result, increase your revenue by reducing costs associated with lost inventory.
Heavy Machinery: By monitoring the location of your company's equipment, the environmental conditions and the operating conditions of the equipment, you can ensure that it is being operated correctly and anticipate unforeseen events such as the failure of some part of the equipment.
Product Support: The products you sell to your customers can communicate the current status, diagnostic information, and available quantity of consumable products to the maintenance organization. This information allows you to deliver a better quality of service to your customer by pointing out potential flaws before they even have a negative impact. In addition, you can increase your revenue through expanded service offerings and consumable replacement.
Agribusiness: Measuring and monitoring your business process holistically, from planting operations to processing operations, will allow you to reduce, or even eliminate, manual inspections at every step. This unprecedented insight into your operations can help you make timely decisions. Decisions such as: irrigation or temporal movements through the manufacturing process.
Hazardous Conditions: The ability to monitor the operating environment of a hazardous situation can dramatically reduce risks to human life. By monitoring the atmosphere, sound, pressure, temperature and others using remote sensors you can increase the safety of your employees. In this way, you can envision a new revolution in the industry, allowing your software and hardware assets to work together to increase your top revenue.
Internet of Things (IoT) Solutions Components
[To successfully deploy an IoT solution, several components are required.
It starts with a process to acquire data from physical devices, machines or third-party systems. This provides a way to analyze and interpret the data. It then concludes with some informed decision, action or transaction in a system like JD EDWARDS.
devices or machines equipped with sensors to monitor devices and actuators that control key aspects of the device. Information collected from the device can include location information (such as locations and movement), operational information (such as temperature, humidity, vibration) and usage information (such as machine activity and production metrics).
gateway, which collects and processes information from one or more devices, converting information to a platform format. This gateway usually encompasses intelligence to filter sensor data, secure data transfer, automatic software updates, diagnose problems, start or stop device and supports other functions.
network, which is a heterogeneous collection of trusted networking technologies (PAN, LAN, WAN). Allowing the gateway to communicate with central servers over the internet.
Server Structure, which is what filters, stores and aggregates the “big data” on the machine. The server is able to analyze and act on the collected data.
business applications, which is the key to delivering the final solution. The application acts on the information received by alerting users to required activities and, in some cases, automatically controls the device for repair or preventive actions.
A number of technologies are advancing, spurred by the proliferation of home networks, smartphones and enterprise applications, towards a new category of intelligent applications and services at less cost.
These advancements go a long way in deploying the Internet of Things as part of your system.
Next week we will talk about the new features of JD EDWARDS with the INTERNET OF THINGS.
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