
Rodoil is the largest regional fuel distributor in the south of the country. Founded in 2006, in Caxias do Sul/RS, it is recognized for its solidity and continuous expansion. It currently has more than 500 flagged service stations and 1,500 service stations in the spot market in several cities in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná.
“In October 2021, Rodoil announced the purchase of Tower Brasil Petróleo. With this, the company starts to operate in São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Goiás and Mato Grosso. With the expansion towards the Southeast and Midwest, Rodoil projects a turnover of R$ 7 billion for 2022.
MPL, which already acted as a partner of Rodoil, was called to perform the rollout of the Tower on Rodoil's Oracle JDEdwards. The project was challenging, especially regarding the deadline, but all the work of the Rodoil and MPL teams made the difference to success. The project also had the participation of Tower users.
The project's Go Live took place in early January 2022, strictly on schedule, covering all Rodoil operations for the Tower company.
We can conclude that the project was a success, where we were able to achieve all the objectives that were expected by Rodoil's board of directors”, comments Henrique Barros, Information Technology Manager.

GLP is one of the global leaders in investment management and business development in logistics, data infrastructure, renewable energy and related technologies. The combination of investment and operating experience allows you to create value for your clients and investors. It operates in Brazil, China, Europe, India, Japan, USA and Vietnam, with over US$ 120 billion in real estate and private equity funds under management.
“The company's digital transformation with the modernization of processes, through the update of the Oracle JD Edwards ERP, was at the heart of the strategy to sustain the growth of LPG in Brazil.
With the update of the version and the redesign of the features of Oracle JD Edwards, we brought productivity gains to several areas of the company, providing greater reliability of information and a more effective control of operations.
The project's Go Live took place in October 2021, strictly on schedule, covering all the company's ventures and achieving all the goals we had proposed at the beginning of the project.
MPL was already our supplier and presented a proposal in line with our expectations. The project was challenging, but all the work of the GLP and MPL teams made the difference to success. The project also had the participation of the American company Cohn Reznick, which carried out the Advisory Management”, comments Rômulo Otoni Director of Operations for GLP in Brazil.