JD Edwards Tests

ERP Implementation Methodology and the Importance of the Test Cycle
The ERP Implementation decision should be treated as a project, due to its importance within the organization. It must be planned in detail and have activities that can be monitored, from the choice of competitors to the ERP GO LIVE date.
From its entry into production, another concern must be present in the daily life of all C Levels: how to keep the ERP version up to date, incorporating new functionalities and ensuring the intelligent use of the entire capacity of the information system. Once your supplier is chosen, the ERP implementation project must go through the planning, execution and entry into production phase. In all these phases, an issue that cannot go unnoticed is the test quality to be executed and any tools that can help them in this task.
Planning: at this time, there are no changes in your company's routine. This is an information gathering phase, where the Project Plan should be developed. Consider at this stage, among other important aspects, what will be the testing methodology to be applied, what is the testing period, the resources that will be involved in this period, how many test cycles need to be executed and especially if there is a significant gain in productivity when choosing any tool on the market to automate repetitive tests in more than one cycle.
Execution: this is the phase where the Project Plan prepared previously is put into practice. It ranges from software installation, configuration, training and testing of the new system. Be wary of Project Plans with a succinct testing phase and that do not involve key users or that simplify this phase by minimizing its risks, because based on the results of these tests, we will seek the approval of the system: its features and usability by users.
Committing users to this approval is a critical success factor for your project. There are usually two test phases: the first one where tests are done individually and customizations and configurations are tested one by one; and the second known as integrated testing, where the entire process flow – for example, from entering a purchase requisition to paying the supplier – is tested. During the integrated tests, the boundaries between the different business areas of your company are crossed.
Entry into Production: once the system has been approved, this phase is characterized by the use of the ERP in your company's day-to-day activities. The problems and challenges encountered in this stage will be inversely proportional to the quality and scope of the tests performed in the execution stage.
After going into production, ensure adequate support for the use of the ERP, so it will continue to be relevant to your company. This support should be used for users to clear doubts about the use of the system, promote eventual parameterization corrections in case of changes in internal processes and implement improvements to the initial scope of implementation. In a more advanced degree of support, the constant updating of the implemented version should be a goal to be pursued by the company. In these cases, there are tools that can assist in the analysis of altered functionalities already in Production, pointing out which points were modified and should be retested again. Again, a Project Plan for Migration and Upgrades must be prepared and the testing methodology must be followed to ensure the continued success of your ERP.
If you are interested and want to read more about the MPL Methodology for Testing, check out our whitepaper, clicking here