JD Edwards EnterpriseOne – IOT

Integrate Operations with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne IOT Capabilities
Industries around the world have been using M2M (Machine-2-Machine) systems for decades. This sector uses these machines directly to collect information, allowing the integration of this data into its business processes, thus taking smarter decisions, reducing costs and creating new revenue streams.
As JD Edwards EnterpriseOne IoT Orchestrator, Oracle delivers a solution that integrates the operational area with information technology, providing mechanisms and processes to receive, aggregate and integrate data from various types of devices, validating them, and passing them on to JD Edwards applications to analysis and actions
How can JD Edwards IOT Technology be Useful for your Industry?
- Tank level and Silos Stocks - Monitoring of water, oil and gas levels in storage tanks, cisterns and silos.
For companies that depend on quality mixing and conservation of large liquid chemical components, “Tank level and Silos Stocks” measurement is a facility that only an IoT technology can offer.
Being able to systematically measure the levels of quality, replacement, mixing and many other variables, all from your mobile screen, is what makes JD Edwards EnterpriseOne – Internet of Things (IoT) Orchestrator a necessary innovation for your management.
- M2M Applications (Predictive Maintenance) - Machine self-diagnosis and assets control.
For segments that need constant attention to the maintenance of many assets (tractors, trucks, high complexity machines), the M2M application of predictive maintenance becomes essential to assist in their management.
Receiving reports and diagnostics that predict when and how your machines will need maintenance is the certainty that your assets will never stop, guaranteeing the quality and investment made in that machine.
- Temperature Monitoring - Temperature control inside industrial and medical refrigerators with sensitive products.
If your business processes depend on the constant control of the temperature of your products, the IoT monitoring tool is able to control in real time the temperature inside medical and industrial refrigerators.
- Meters (Machine Odometer)
In order to have an effective Preventive Maintenance, it is necessary to constantly monitor the machines' odometer and input this information into the system. With IoT, you can have this information in real-time and more effective preventive maintenance.
- Recording of Hours and Quantity
Production Pointing through IoT reduces the use of paper to record this information and provides the company with more accuracy in the information. You can have in real-time the hours used by the machines, recording the hours of labor, in addition to recording the amount produced by the machine. Instead of using a TXT, XML or MES interface, IoT can be used.
- Withdrawal and Receipt - Using active (Zigbee) or passive (RFID/NFC) tags
Use the IoT in the use of active (ZigBee) and passive (RFID/NFC) tags to make entries and exits of company products or sectors, streamlining more information. With this, the material being received will be available for consumption in a shorter time. The products will be shipped to customers in the shortest time. With this gain in productivity and information accuracy, you can avoid differences in quantities between the physical stock and the stock registered in the system.
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