Author: Simone Taveira

As 2024 draws to a close, we would like to express our deep gratitude to everyone who has been part of this journey. This past year has been an incredible chapter of effort, learning and new achievements. Every step taken has brought us closer to our dreams. For 2025, we want every achievement to be an inspiration for...

May the magic of love and unity warm everyone's heart! Celebrate every moment with those you love, spreading joy and gratitude. And may peace and happiness be your greatest gifts this Christmas and always! A Merry Christmas from the MPL Family...

One skill that can be a game changer in your career is the ability to negotiate. Negotiating is not just a practice for reaching commercial agreements; it is an art that permeates all aspects of our professional and personal lives. Developing our skills...

Seeking projects that promote innovation and meet the needs of our clients is in the DNA of all our Redfaire International partners. Being part of this distinguished group of valuable companies and JD Edwards specialists is a source of pride for us. Click here to see...

In an increasingly dynamic and complex world, having technical skills is essential, but what really makes a difference in the workplace is emotional intelligence (EI). It allows us to understand and manage our emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Your intelligence...

Don't miss this opportunity! Want to know how to leverage AI technology to enhance your JD Edwards? Join us for a Q&A session organized by our partner Redfaire to find out how! Presented by Barry Yelverton, Sameh Nassar, Luciano Barroso and Luis Gustavo Tonussi,...

You can rely on the JD Edwards Grower Management Module to: Manage costs in a detailed and integrated way: control each activity cost in the total operating cost and use this information to compare activities and attributes that improve agricultural production. Manage land attributes,...