
Edwards EnterpriseOne

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9.2 is a driver for digital transformation. In this webinar, we will present the most relevant advances in the optimization of application interfaces and flows. There are also innovations for IoT and Mobile, in addition to the permanent addition of new functionalities specific to different

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Webinar – Oracle JD Edwards

SAVE THE DATE Almost 70% of the Oracle JD Edwards customer base has already migrated or is in the process of migrating to version 9.2, which brought a wide package of improvements and is guaranteed support until 2032. In this webinar, we will present how to use these new

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MPL-fix support

The saying goes “no news, good news”. Not having feedback from our customers is not enough for MPL. Improving the standard of service of our support is such a serious matter that to guarantee the answer to our satisfaction surveys we are offering

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Fast Closing on Infocus

Automating the monthly closing process seems to be the object of desire for many managers. We received the second invitation to present Fast Closing at Infocus – an event organized by Quest, a worldwide JDE user group. It's Brazilian technology conquering the world in full

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Oracle recommends MPL

MPL was recommended by Oracle and invited to present the MPL Fast Closing solution to a special financial interest group during the March Quest meeting. Quest is the largest international group of JD Edwards users.Our solution for automating cycles

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ERP Security

Your ERP is one of the company's most valuable assets, and where there is wealth, there is risk. Any vulnerability gives rise to fraud, data and intellectual property theft, operational and financial errors. Many security problems stem from inefficient processes. the more complex

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