
Internet of Things

Para você terminar o ano já pensando em coisas boas para 2025, foi lançada a Release 25 do JD Edwards EnterpriseOne! Seguindo a estratégia da Oracle, a nova versão oferece inovação que automatiza, otimiza e transforma processos de negócios e representa o investimento contínuo da Oracle...

Internet of Things - The JDE Secret Weapon - PART 2 JD Edwards and the Internet of Things: The best applications for industry businesses powered by real data from the Internet of Things. Oracle's JD Edwards applications are able to leverage the possibilities...

Internet of Things and Oracle JD Edwards. Industrial companies around the world have been using traditional M2M (Machine-2-Machine) systems for decades. They directly use these machines to gather information. In this way, they allow the integration of this data into your business processes....