28 Oct Chatbots that meet what the customer is looking for and demands.
In October/2022, the “new customer service law” came into force, which guarantees the consumer 24/7 service in at least one channel and omnichannel service, among other rights.
In other words, it is important that all channels are integrated and that the context of the service from one channel to the other is transferred, as Art. 10 of Decree 11,034 prohibits requesting the repetition of the consumer's demand, after its registration in the first service.
The Decree is applied to service providers regulated by the Federal Government – telecommunications, supplementary health, transport, sanitation, electricity, banks and financial services.
The “new SAC law” directly meets the demands and expectations of today's consumers, who value a more effective and practical relationship, whenever and wherever they want.
An intelligent, integrated, multi-channel chatbot can help automate the service, send alerts to anticipate problems and reduce the costs of a 24/7 service.
For this, a robust platform such as that of #OracleDigitalAssistant and a development methodology, as we have in MPL.
For more information about the decree, visit: http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_Ato2019-2022/2022/Decreto/D11034.htm
access https://mpl.com.br/mpl-inova/chatbots-oda/ to learn about Oracle Digital Assistant.
# Chatbot #NovaLeiSac #ORacle #ADigital Assistant #A AutomationService.
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