
Fill in the fields below so that we can help you improve your business performance:

    If you prefer, the MPL offices phone numbers are:


    Rio de Janeiro -  55 21 3213 5100

    Sao Paulo -  55 11 5505 9289


    If you are interested in working with us, Click here.

    Nossos Escritórios:

    Rio de Janeiro

    Rua Visconde de Inhaúma 134, 20º andar. Centro – Rio de Janeiro / RJ. CEP: 20091-901  

    Tel: 55 21 3213 5100

    Sao Paulo

    Av. Eng. Luis Carlos Berrini, 1140 – cj. 21. Brooklin Novo – São Paulo/SP. Cep: 04571-000

    Tel: 55 11 5505 9289