14 Jul Cyber Security is not just an IT problem!
If we look for what “Cyber Security” means, in addition to advertisements for security companies, we will find many similar definitions. Some more, others less complete, but the vast majority focusing on the practice, policy or security methodology, involving computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, data, etc.
By interpreting all these technical details, we understand that the problem is IT, correct? The answer is no.
A few years ago, these definitions could have been correct, but bringing them to current times, we see that they are incomplete. A new character emerges, as a victim, but also as the cause of the security breach or even as a vector for the propagation of malicious codes: the human being, the user of technology.
In many events, it is normally he who opens or forwards an improper email, who uses a pen drive of unknown origin, who does not keep his passwords properly, who uses or allows the work equipment to be used for other activities. In short, it was the time that a malicious code or a “hacker” did the work alone.
Understanding this and becoming aware that it is not enough to have the most up-to-date antivirus, the most secure networks and state-of-the-art encryption, but also that it is necessary to create internal policies that establish constant user training, which bring more responsibility and even extend the good practices for the family environment, is a fundamental condition for a good safety practice.
In addition to this concern with the correct use of resources, equipment and IT infrastructure, many companies already implement an austere policy regarding security when contracting new applications, systems and partners. Usually, an extensive questionnaire on this topic is applied to ensure that the contracted third party is also complying with essential security measures.
See this and other measures that will help you to better understand the subject at the link https://www.egonzehnder.com/rewiring-boardroom-cybersecurity/chapter-1-the-broken-state-of-cybersecurity-governance
There needs to be a collective conscience. Cybersecurity is everyone's problem.
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