18 Apr E-procurement – 3 reasons why this technology is part of your daily life.
Tight deadlines, strong pressure for cost reduction, need to evaluate the quality of the most diverse suppliers, restricted budgets making negotiations even more difficult.
These are just some of the challenges that the Supplies areas face in their day to day, regardless of the size or segment of the company.
As if all these charges were not enough, supply managers also have to live with processes that are often outdated and inefficient, involving a large volume of paper documents, and the exchange of information between various departments and systems.
As companies grow, the demands on the supply area increase, but companies increasingly resist adding new employees.
All these factors end up bringing inefficiency in the whole process, generating dissatisfaction in the demanding areas and a great work overload in the supply sector.
The solutions of e-procurement seek to meet all these challenges in the supply area, making it more agile and efficient.
We highlight below 3 key factors for the adoption of a e-procurement:
The real value of trading with E-procurement and why you need it for yesterday
what is it after all e-procurement? We can summarize it as the supply management of the future, where you have control of all stages of the purchasing process.
Using your tool's portal e-procurement you can view all the information that preceded the negotiation with your suppliers. Understanding how these negotiations took place helps you make a better decision based on facts, in addition to making everything that was discussed between the company and its potential suppliers clear and transparent. It's the power of information amplifying your bargaining power.
So an e-procurement solution saves me cost and time?
It not only reduces your cost or saves your time, but also optimizes your management.
At e-procurement solutions holds a modern technology that automates routine tasks and enables better collaboration with suppliers and employees, which results in significant improvements in efficiency as well as improvements in productivity and reduced procurement cycle times.
The ease of use and practicality that this type of tool brings to its users, together with the high level of profitability and adherence, make the solution for e-procurement one more step towards improving the management of the purchasing sector.
It's not just about saving time, with this solution you can increase, improve and elevate your management to excellence
With a solution of e-procurement, it would be enough for you to open the negotiations area and see what stage each negotiation is in, in addition to clearly understanding which suppliers are most suitable for the demand, their level of reliability and how they were in previous deliveries. That would take a few minutes.
It is precisely because it is so agile that this solution delivers so much value to the modern purchasing manager. It is possible to leave an outdated and old model and jump to something new, that keeps up with the fast speed that the world demands.
What types of purchases are served by an E-procurement solution?
There are several models and types of purchases. We can see some below:
- Blanket Order: is a purchase order with multiple shipping dates over a period of time. It is based on a supply contract signed with a supplier, where the price, quantities and delivery conditions are already agreed in advance. It is typically used for recurring purchases in large quantities.
- Price Catalog: purchases based on a price contract signed with a supplier, with an open quantity, requiring only the requisition of the item.
- Purchase for Projects: purchases linked to a specific project with its own budget.
- Spot Purchases (Occasional): non-recurring or sporadic purchases of items where it is necessary to request the item and later all the negotiation with the suppliers.
All these types of purchases can be processed within an e-procurement solution. Because it is extremely flexible, you can quickly execute purchases in pre-formatted templates, in addition to viewing all information about purchases already made, suppliers already contacted, deliveries made and the quality of what was delivered.
If you want to know more about procurement and purchasing management technologies, click here: https://mpl.com.br/solucoes/cloud/oracle-procurement-cloud-sua-solucao-de-gestao-de-suprimentos/
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