Try Suporte-fix. You'll like it!

Try Suporte-fix. You'll like it!

Our support service, Suporte-fix, has a customized configuration for each client: it can consider functional and/or technical support; it can work on a monthly basis with a number of open tickets or hours worked; it may or may not include other applications in the ERP environment; we can provide 1st level support or not.

In other words, everything you need to get exactly the service you need.


As the name suggests, one of the aims of the service is to correct the cause of problems, thereby reducing the company's dependence on and cost of support services over time.

Based on the calls we handle, we build a database and analyze the evolution of the service and the client's demands.

This is not an empty promise: over the course of our relationship with our clients, many of them have reduced the value of their support contracts, as a result of the corrections implemented, the knowledge passed on to their staff and the effectiveness of our support service, always keeping our clients satisfied and ensuring their retention.


This is the philosophy behind Suporte-fix. Count on this ally in your daily life.

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