25 January NF-E 4.0 version will be approved in 2017.
THE NF-E 4.0 it will be an update made in view of the need for constant changes that end up accumulating, and demanding a new national version.
This happens because the Secretary of Finance traces, from time to time, small changes that are necessary to be fulfilled. When the government puts all these small changes together, it ends up creating a new complete update, in this case the update to the NF-E version 4.0.
The Secretary of Finance has already published the deadlines for the change the layout of NF-e 4.0. You can check the dates below:
- Electronic Invoice approval environment 4.0 - 01.06.2017
- NF-E 4.0 production environment - 01.08.2017
- Deactivation of the previous version of the electronic invoice, version 3.10 – 11.06.2017
The main objective of requesting this type of service is to avoid, as much as possible, future maintenance in the various electronic invoice systems. This makes tax processes easier, both for the Secretary of Finance and for companies.
Having seen the last revision carried out in 2014, and if maintained at version “3.10”, companies need to pay attention to the schedule drawn up by SEFAZ for updating the new version of the NF-E 4.0.
Learn about some changes in the layout of the electronic invoice:
- Removed the indicator field of the Form of Payment of Group B (id:B05).
- Creation of fields related to the FCP for internal or interstate operations with ST. Changes the layout of the NF-e to identify the amount due as a result of the ICMS percentage related to the Poverty Combat Fund, provided for in the Federal Constitution, in Art. 82 of the ADCT – Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, in internal operations or in interstate operations with Tax Substitution, not met by the fields created in the ICMS Taxation Group for the destination FU.
- Change the name of the Group “Payment Methods” to “Payment Information” with the inclusion of the change value field (id: YA09). Filling in this group is also mandatory for NFe, model 55.
- New shipping modalities (Own transport on behalf of the sender / Own transport on behalf of the recipient).
Click below and download the complete public notice with all types of changes to the invoice layout: http://mpl.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/NT_2016_002_v1.00.pdf
Notice of validation of Electronic Invoice 4.0
Validation (B25b-40) to oblige the completion of the refNFe (id:BA02) or refNF (id:BA03) fields when informed on-site operation outside the establishment, indPres=5, (id: B25b).
Validation (BA03-10) if informed in duplicate Invoice model 2 (id:BA03) informed in the Referenced Document Group (id:BA01).
Definition of the unit of measure that must be used in the LPG product information, (I13-20).
Validation (K01-20) to compel filling in the Product Traceability Group when filling in the Medicines Group
Validation (I84-10) of product expiration date information in relation to the date of manufacture.
Validation (LA03c-10 / LA03c-20) of the information regarding the percentage of LPG mixture and requiring the completion of the ICMS ST Transfer Group for some ANP codes when informed CST 60 (LA02-20)
Validation of the percentage informed to the FCP (N17b-10/N23b-10/N27b-10).
Validation of the sum of the fields FCP (W04h-10), FCP-ST (W06a-10), IPI returned (W12a-10), when informed in the items.
Inclusion of the total value of the IPI returned, when applicable, and the value of the ST Poverty Combat Fund in the total value of the NFe, (W16-10).
Validation (X02-20) to prohibit filling in fields related to transport when it is an interstate operation. At the discretion of each FU, the validation may be applied to internal operations.
Change of Validation (YA01-20) of filling in the “Payment Information” Group for NFC-e and NF-e, at the discretion of each UF.
Validation to not allow the Payment Information Group in the Adjustment and Complementary Notes (YA01-30)
Validation to not allow informing Duplicata Mercantil as a Payment Method in the NFC-e (YA02-10)
Validation to oblige the completion of the Duplicata Group when informed Duplicata Mercantil as a Payment Method (YA02-20) and to not allow the completion of this Group when informed Payment Method in Cash or Check (YA02-30)
Validation (YA03-10/YA03-20) of the sum of reported payments.
Validation (YA09-10) to force information from the change value field (tag:vTroco) when the sum of the payments is greater than the invoice value.
Keep an eye on SEFAZ deadlines:
It is important to point out that companies need to be aware of the approval and production dates of the electronic invoice 4.0, so that they do not lose and have problems with the government in the future. There is a period of more than 10 months between the first part of the process (approval) to the last part of the process (deactivation of the previous version), until the electronic invoice 4.0 becomes mandatory.
Want to know more about others tax obligations in 2017? Click here.
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