25 Aug Questions about tax obligations for 2017?
Business Management Systems (ERP) and tax obligations in Brazil.
Above the world average of 27.1%, Brazil is the country with one of the highest tax rates in the world. In addition, it is one of the countries that most demand tax information from companies, especially after the government decided that all records and transmissions of tax and tax data should be delivered in digital form. In this context, the government has increasingly sophisticated fiscal obligations and the information that must be processed and sent to the appropriate municipal, state and federal spheres.
The first tax obligations dealt with the Electronic Issuance of Invoices and the first SPEDs: Accounting SPED (EFD) and SPED Tax.
New Tax Demands:
- As of the calculation period of January/2017, new fields were included in the C176 record.
- Inclusion of new fields in records 0200, C113, E113, E240, 1210, 1923
Change in the layout of the E310 record, changing existing fields and including a series of new fields. - Our well-known Block K has undergone changes in its structure, mainly with regard to Disassembly of Goods (registrations K210 and K215), Industrial Reprocessing and Product Repair (registrations K260, K265) and Corrections in Notes (registrations K270, K275, K280 )
This bookkeeping deals with Withholdings and Information related to the Replaced Social Security Contribution, and is being built to complement the eSocial.
For your company to have an efficient system that allows the issuance of a SPED or any other tax obligation, you need to have a partner who is always ready and able to help, using the technology of your information system to respond promptly to new demands.
New demands are emerging annually, aiming at the crossing of information between customers and suppliers, causing an additional effort for companies as it becomes necessary to invest time and resources to adapt their Management Systems (ERP) rigorously within the new legal requirements.
See below the new demands to be required:
The first fiscal demand of 2017 is already knocking on the door. THE NF-E 4.0 it will be an update made in view of the need for constant changes that end up accumulating, and demanding a new national version. See all the details here.
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