Author: Simple Sabrina

As 2024 draws to a close, we would like to express our deep gratitude to everyone who has been part of this journey. This past year has been an incredible chapter of effort, learning and new achievements. Every step taken has brought us closer to our dreams. For 2025, we want every achievement to be an inspiration for...

May the magic of love and unity warm everyone's heart! Celebrate every moment with those you love, spreading joy and gratitude. And may peace and happiness be your greatest gifts this Christmas and always! A Merry Christmas from the MPL Family...

To close the year of our series of workshops on JD Edwards features, on 27/11 we talked about the Reports Involved in Stock Closing. During 2024 we ran a series of workshops for our Support-fix customers. Stock Closing is a...

One skill that can be a game changer in your career is the ability to negotiate. Negotiating is not just a practice for reaching commercial agreements; it is an art that permeates all aspects of our professional and personal lives. Developing our skills...

How Artificial Intelligence is transforming the financial market In the financial market, innovation is not just a differentiator - it's a necessity. In a highly competitive and regulated landscape, financial institutions face challenges such as offering exceptional customer experiences, optimizing internal processes and protecting...

Tax Reform: Is Your Company Ready for 2026? Find out how to prepare now with JD Edwards! Imagine this: it's 2026, and tax reform is already in effect. Your company is facing new tax rules, changes in taxation and, possibly, direct impacts on your company's...

This week we held the JD Edwards Unlimited Brazil Webinar, in conjunction with Oracle leadership. Around 100 customers heard first-hand what's new with JDE. JD Edwards Webinar highlights During the event, we talked about Release 25 and what it has to offer;...

Last call! Don't wait too long! This is your chance to take part in the worldwide Applications Unlimited event, which MPL, together with Oracle, is once again bringing to Brazil. In this webinar, with simultaneous translation, Oracle executives will bring first-hand...