Help us rate our service. It's fast and your feedback means a lot to us.

Help us rate our service. It's fast and your feedback means a lot to us.

Conducting satisfaction surveys is essential when you want to understand the customer's feeling in relation to the service provided by your company.

If the company gives due importance to the responses received, it will have the opportunity to make the necessary adjustments until reaching an excellent service and, occasionally, even exceeding customer expectations.

On the other hand, very long surveys do not generate returns and often leave customers dissatisfied.

The balance between simplicity, ease of completing the survey and the detail needed to evaluate the service is critical to success.

Following the Support-fix methodology, MPL issues a satisfaction survey for each completed support call.

It is simple, easy and quick to fill out by the customer, but it manages to cover the most important points to be evaluated in the service.

Behind it, we have constant monitoring of the responses received and a team of managers and directors to ensure that no negative response goes unnoticed.

Our recipe is this: simplicity at the tip and robustness in support.

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